Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Another take on making the invisible visible

There is a really interesting article in the NY Times today about mirrors. Scientists are using mirrors to study how the brain decides what is self and what is other. The mirror can render the invisible visible-- but sometimes without accuracy. So actually I'm not as goodlooking as I apparently thought. On the other hand, we should get a couple of mirrors in the office to increase productivity!

The article can be found here.

I find the most interesting discovery however the idea of using mirrors for therapy especially for phantom limbs. The article doesn't delve deeply into it, but I imagine a different awareness of the loss of the limb is triggered in the brain when we look at ourselves without it. Don't we have a similar psychological reaction when we see our own blood? (It's sometimes the blood that makes us recognize the seriousness of the injury.)

It would be interesting to know your thoughts.

Photo credit: Andrew Crowley

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